Home Enrollment Management Solutions RNL Yield Solutions RNL TrueCost Calculatorâ„¢

Add a powerful, fully customized net price calculator
to your student recruitment strategies

The Ruffalo Noel Levitz TrueCost Calculator is a fully customized net price calculator that meets all federal net price calculator requirements while giving you a powerful online tool for student recruitment. With its customization for merit awards and incredibly easy-to-use interface, you can deliver highly accurate net price estimates to students in just minutes.

See a walkthrough of this fully customized net price calculator

Download this overview of the TrueCost Calculator to see sample screens and learn how this net price calculator works. You’ll learn details about the customization and see just how easy it is for students and parents to complete.

The TrueCost Calculator encourages prospective students to enroll at your institution

A growing number of colleges and universities—now more than 280—have turned to the TrueCost Calculator to advance their marketing, student recruitment, and financial aid programs. Here’s why:

1.) Delivers estimates in minutes from any computer.

Students and/or families receive their cost estimate in just a few minutes. Many other net price calculators are very complicated, even asking nearly all of the questions asked on the FAFSA.

2.) Provides exceptionally accurate estimates.

Because it is highly customized to match the requirements of each college or university, the TrueCost Calculator delivers precise cost estimates to prospective students and their families. Our net price calculator exceeds all of the federal requirements.

3.) Can be highly customized to your merit aid awards.

The TrueCost Calculator can be customized to reflect awards based on major, student demographics, academic ability, and other campus-specific factors—something the federal net price calculator cannot do.

4.) Comes in versions for specific student segments

You can create two or more separate net price calculator versions for groups such as traditional-age first-year students, international students, students with military benefits, and more.

See examples »

5.) Includes custom marketing text messages.

Many net price calculators consist only of questions. In contrast, each page of the Ruffalo Noel Levitz net price calculator is designed for action and includes an area where you can add text messages and links to accent key points, connect students to counselors, offer encouragements to continue, and more.

6.) Matches students with scholarships instantly.

Many net price calculators require users to wait until the very end to see the results. In contrast, the TrueCost Calculator begins by matching students with scholarships in 30 seconds or less, then encourages students to continue for a complete estimate.

7.) Provides tools for reporting, analytics, and communication.

You can track the user experience, confirm the accuracy of the estimates, and send customized emails based on specific answers students provide.

More advantages of the Ruffalo Noel Levitz net price calculator

Allows selected ongoing modifications at no additional cost to the institution.

Is mobile responsive for use on phone, tablet, or PC.

Includes a dedicated team to help you quickly and easily implement and maintain your calculator.

Was engineered by financial aid and enrollment specialists from an enrollment management perspective to further improve your conversion and yield rates.

Contact Ruffalo Noel Levitz for a free demonstration of the TrueCost Calculator. We can provide a link for a self-guided demo or schedule a guided demonstration of the calculator.

Free demo

Additional Solutions for Optimizing Yield

RNL Yield and Financial Aid Optimization

Balance your yield rate, awarding, and net revenue while communicating value to admitted students.

RNL Advanced FinAid Solutionsâ„¢

Develop a strategic financial aid plan that is aligned with your goals for enrollment and net revenue, while also addressing affordability for students.

RNL Yield Campaignâ„¢

Increase conversion of admitted students through email, mail, phone, and digital outreach.