Home Enrollment Management Solutions RNL Yield Solutions RNL TrueCost Calculator™ Customizing the TrueCost Calculator

See how you can customize your net price calculator to meet the needs of your institution’s prospective students.

The TrueCost Calculator can be customized to reflect:

  • Merit scholarship award amounts
  • School colors and logo
  • Four-year cost projections
  • Versions for targeted student groups

The following are just three examples of how the TrueCost Calculator can be customized for different student segments and awards. To learn how you can customize the TrueCost Calculator for your campus, request a guided walkthrough with one of our consultants.

First-Year, Traditional Students

The TrueCost Calculator ensures that campuses maximize their ability to recruit prospective students in a fast and accurate manner. With a design based on national research on the enrollment motivations of prospective students, the TrueCost Calculator ensures your ability to display key information and accurate estimates to students throughout their net price calculator experience. We are constantly improving the product based on campus feedback, at no additional cost, in an effort to help our clients get the most out of their student recruitment efforts.

Scholarship Only

Want to show students quick and customized scholarship estimates and calculations? Take advantage of our ‘Scholarship Only’ feature which allows students to easily and accurately determine their scholarship eligibility in less than a minute.

International Students

International students are a common recruitment goal for many admissions departments. To help demonstrate your affordability to International students, Ruffalo Noel Levitz developed an International Calculator that allows these unique prospects to skip unnecessary financial and income questions meant only for US students. This ability to show scholarship and gift aid for International students along with an estimated cost of attendance can lead directly to an increase in inquires for this popular student group.