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The Research Toolkitâ„¢

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Target population

High school counselors.

Method used

Survey administered by RNL using a list provided by your campus.

What it reveals

Determines how counselors perceive your institution and your competitors. Identifies the resources counselors are most likely to use to get information about colleges, and the type of information that is most important to them. Determines the general awareness of your institution among high school counselors, and for those who do know of your institution, the depth of their knowledge.

How you can use the results

Design new marketing strategies to improve awareness and deepen the level of interest in your institution among counselors. Compare perceptions about your institution with perceptions about key competitors.

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The Research Toolkit

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RNL Strategic Enrollment Planning

Ensure long-term enrollment success and fiscal health by aligning your institution’s fiscal, academic, co-curricular, and enrollment resources with its changing environment.

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Make your enrollment efforts more effective and efficient—from awareness to financial aid awarding to graduation.