RMS Suite of Surveys

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Home Enrollment Management Solutions Student Success RNL Retention Management System™ Survey and Report Samples


College Student
Inventory (CSI)

Increase student retention by assessing the motivations and receptivity to assistance of first-year college students

Get a three-dimensional assessment of each incoming student by learning their motivations, attitudes and receptivity to assistance to relevant campus resources.

Mid-Year Student Assessment (MYSA)

Strengthen persistence by building on the success of your first-term interventions and learn students’ plans for continuing their educations

Follow up with students at the mid-point of their freshman year so you can measure changes in their motivations, needs, and attitudes. The assessment also asks if they expect to continue, transfer, or withdraw.

Second-Year Student Assessment (SYSA)

Make the student experience more engaging for sophomores while keeping second-year students on course for completion

Measure students’ motivations, receptivity to assistance, participation in key retention areas during their first year, and their educational completion plans.

Survey samples and report samples:

Student Report—Shows students their strengths and needs in easy-to-understand language.
Advisor/Counselor Report—Provides detail to make advising/counseling conversations more personal, meaningful, and effective.
Summary and Planning Report—Provides critical cohort and individual student information for retention strategies and planning.
Summary Observations with Receptivity Report – provides an integrated view of your students’ scores across the summary scales and the individual receptivity scales.

Available in two different survey lengths.

Form B (100 Items): The most widely used version of the CSI, Form B analyzes student attitudes across 17 different scales. Can be used in conjunction with the Mid-Year Student Assessment (MYSA)

Survey Sample / (PDF)
Advisor/Counselor Report
Student Report
Summary and Planning Report
Summary Observations with Receptivity

Form C (74 Items): Designed specifically for students who seek to balance work, family, and academics, such as adult and online learners. Can be used in conjunction with the Mid-Year Student Assessment (MYSA).

Survey Sample / (PDF)
Advisor/Counselor Report
Student Report
Summary and Planning Report
Summary Observations with Receptivity

Follow up with students at the mid-point of their freshman year so you can measure changes in their motivations, needs, and attitudes. The assessment also asks if they expect to continue, transfer, or withdraw.

Available in two different survey lengths. Form selection made based on the CSI used.

Form B samples:
Survey Sample / (PDF)
Advisor/Counselor Report
Student Report
Summary and Planning Report

Form C version samples:
Survey Sample / (PDF)
Advisor/Counselor Report
Student Report
Summary and Planning Report

Make the student experience more engaging for sophomores while keeping second-year students on course for completion

Measure students’ motivations, receptivity to assistance, participation in key retention areas during their first year, and their educational completion plans.

SYSA Samples:
Survey Sample / (PDF)
Student Report
Advisor/Counselor Report
Summary and Planning Report

All surveys in the RMS suite give you access the online Retention Data Center, a fully customized portal where you can manage and filter your data, run reports, and share information with key retention colleagues. After students take the survey, you have immediate access to the data through the Retention Data Center. You receive the following standard reports, and in addition you can create a wide range of custom reports using data filters.