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The Low-Density University: Edward Maloney and Joshua Kim Discuss Higher Ed Scenarios

Higher education has been transformed by the need to socially distance but keep providing quality educational experiences. We’re lucky enough to have two experts on today’s episode who are on the front lines making it happen, and sharing their expertise to help the rest of us.

Edward Maloney is executive director of the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University. Joshua Kim is Director of Online Programs and Strategy at Dartmouth College. Eddie and Josh are the co-authors of Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education, co-produce an Inside Higher Ed blog on digital learning, and are most recently co-authors of The Low-Density University: 15 Scenarios for Higher Education, which is an expansion of a widely read Inside Higher Ed blog in April.

Eddie and Josh got on the line with RNL’s Scott Jeffe to talk about what institutions need to do to survive, thrive and do well for students in this challenging time.

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