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South Plains College (Texas)

South Plains College (Texas)Objective

Gain an understanding of specific retention initiatives needed on campus.


Conducted student satisfaction research and developed retention strategies based on the results to fulfill Title III and Title V grant initiatives.


Determined that, while students in the technical disciplines felt a strong association to their faculty advisor, the transfer population did not share that faculty alliance. South Plains initiated a pilot program for an intrusive advising program for the transfer population that included at least three scheduled meetings in the first semester with their advisor, including one dedicated to developing a degree success plan. After the first year, retention for the treatment group ranged from 80 to 88 percent compared to the control group of 46 percent.


“For the first time in our history we were able to get data that explored how our students really feel about South Plains and what they would like to see changed. The data, along with our consultant’s recommendations, allowed us to find specific areas we could focus on to meet our students’ needs and make an impact on retention.”

Dr. Gail Malone
Director, Title V

Hear more from Christina Conner

Christina Conner, Title V activity director and retention specialist, explains how South Plains College used satisfaction assessment data to improve the college experience for students.

Case study used with the permission of South Plains College.