Home Resources 2024 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report

2024 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report


2024 Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report

Read our college student satisfaction report to explore data from 400,000 students on the college experience

Conducting satisfaction assessment is a way to show students that your institution cares about student perceptions and the educational experience. The 2024 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report shares results and insights from hundreds of thousands of students at four-year and two-year institutions, showing national trends in student satisfaction and key areas of the student experience.

See data on traditional undergraduate students, adult students, and online learners at nearly than 700 colleges and universities

This year’s report examines the satisfaction levels of students within demographic subpopulations, with a focus on class levels. Understanding the experiences of students based on who they are, how they are experiencing the institution, where they are on their educational journey, and what their area of focus is can be insightful for an institution, as well as on the national level.

Read the report to find:

  • Overall student satisfaction and likelihood to enroll data.
  • Breakdowns for students at community colleges, four-year private institutions, and four-year public institutions, as well as online and adult students.
  • Satisfaction level changes for students as they progress each year.
  • Factors in the decision to enroll in college.
  • Satisfaction levels for key areas of the student experience such as financial aid, quality of instruction, satisfaction with faculty, and the overall institutional experience.

Complete the form above to receive your copy of this college student satisfaction report.

Data for this report was compiled using the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Assessments, a suite of benchmarking tools used by more than 3,000 colleges and universities for the last 30 years.