2022 Marketing and Recruitment Practices for Undergraduate Students


2022 Marketing and Recruitment Practices for Undergraduate Students

Read our college recruitment practices report to see which strategies enrollment managers use and rate the most effective

The 2022 Marketing and Recruitment Practices for Undergraduate Students report details the strategies, tactics, and resources campuses use and which they rate as the most effective. This 28-page college recruitment practices report dives into everything from name purchase strategies to advertising to management practices, providing valuable benchmarks for four-year public and private institutions.

The 2022 report is based on responses from 120 enrollment managers. Many of the findings are compared to responses from the 2020 report, showing how use of these practices have changed since the pandemic hit.

  • Search practices for high school students and transfer students.
  • The most effective outreach strategies for marketing and recruitment.
  • Which advertising strategies are most effective and how that has changed from 2020.
  • Social media usage and effectiveness.
  • Use of admissions events for recruitment.
  • The management practices rated as most effective by enrollment managers.
  • How many institutions have recruitment strategies for underrepresented students.

You’ll also find key takeaways and insights into opportunities your campus can take right now.

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