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Advancement Leaders Speak 2019: Annual Giving Best Practices


Annual Giving Report: 2019 Advancement Leaders Speak

Read our annual giving report and explore the biggest trends and best practices in fundraising

See responses from 257 fundraising professionals about their challenges and strategies.

This 2019 Advancement Leaders Speak annual giving report examines existing and emerging trends in fundraising and provides insight into best practices for annual giving programs. The report gathers actionable data on the state of the fundraising, challenges to institutional and individual efforts, and trends in giving results, including:

  • A flattening of giving as half of respondents said their fundraising results had not increased from the previous year
  • Increasing efforts to engage younger donors and turn them into lifelong givers, especially as the base of older donors recedes
  • Which channels fundraisers use for various annual giving activities
  • The future trends and innovations that fundraisers are most excited about

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