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2019 Adult Undergraduate Marketing and Recruitment Practices Report


2019 Adult Undergraduate Report

What are the latest trends and practices in adult undergraduate recruitment?

Adult undergraduates come with different mindsets and priorities than traditional students, balancing family, jobs, and school. As the nontraditional adult undergraduate population becomes the new normal for colleges and universities, institutions need to develop optimized strategies specifically for this audience.

Download this report and explore the marketing and recruitment practices four-year institutions are using with adult undergraduates. By reading this report, you will discover:

  • The most effective and ineffective practices for adult undergraduate recruitment as rated by enrollment professionals
  • Data on time to first contact, follow-up contacts, and application decisions
  • Strategic metrics on institutions with formal communication plans, marketing plans, and staff responsible for adult undergraduate recruitment
  • Most common academic calendar offerings and program formats

These findings come from a survey of nearly 70 four-year public and private institutions in the spring of 2019.

Complete the form above to receive your free copy.