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2023 Graduate Student Recruitment Report


2023 Graduate Student Recruitment Report


Discover more than 25 findings about graduate recruitment

How do prospective graduate students search for programs of study and make their enrollment decisions? Find out in this illuminating survey of 1,500 prospective graduate students. This 44-page report contains 25 findings and insights that can help you better understand today’s graduate students—their preferences, expectations, and concerns as they search for programs of study. The study profiles both prospective and enrolled graduate students (either currently enrolled or enrolled within the last two years).

Download the report to learn more about:

  1. Motivations for graduate study
  2. Distance of furthest programs applied to
  3. First step and subsequent steps taken in search
  4. Why students interact with digital marketing content
  5. Preferred person to respond to inquiries and focus of questions
  6. Effect of interpretation of a slow response from programs of interest
  7. Most effective ways institutions can personalize content
  8. How students pay for their studies and the impact of cost on their decision making.

Complete the form on this page to download your copy. This report was co-sponsored by PLEXUSS.