Home Resources E-Expectations of Transfer Students: A 2020 Trend Report

E-Expectations of Transfer Students: A 2020 Trend Report


2020 E-Expectations of Transfer Students

Know how to meet the expectations of transfer students when they’re considering your campus

Explore findings from a survey of more than 1,100 students

Nearly 40 percent of college students are transfers. They approach the college search process much differently than traditional students, choosing a college much more quickly and often having a more focused and specific reason for choosing a new school. How can your campus meet their needs, engage more transfers, and increase your enrollment of this student population?

The E-Expectations® of Transfer Students report includes insights on key topics such as:

  • The most influential resources transfer students use in their searches.
  • How transfers initiate communication with a campus.
  • The most important content and features on college websites.
  • What transfers find most frustrating about college websites…and how they’ll react.
  • How many have seen and clicked on digital ads.

This report is a joint research project from RNL, Cappex, OmniUpdate + Destiny Solutions, and PLEXUSS.