Home Resources 2020 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report

2020 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report


Find college student satisfaction benchmarks from nearly 800 institutions

See data on overall student satisfaction and key issues related to the college experience from more than 506,000 student records.

Student satisfaction plays a key role in student retention and college completion. When students are more satisfied, they persist and succeed. When they are not, they are much more at risk of transferring or withdrawing.

The 2020 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report provides data and insights on the priorities and concerns of college students. This report provides college student satisfaction benchmarks that can help your institution analyze how well you are serving students compared to similar institutions.

2020 Satisfaction and Priorities Report: Overall student satisfaction

  • See results for four-year private, four-year public, community and technical colleges, online learners, adult undergraduates, and adult graduate students.
  • Find out the percentage of students who are satisfied and would be willing to re-enroll at their institutions.
  • Uncover satisfaction and importance data for issues such as the value of tuition, the availability of financial aid, the quality of instruction, and campus safety.
  • Read strategies on how you can use your satisfaction data for student retention initiatives, recruitment messaging, and campus planning.

Complete the form above to receive your copy of this college student satisfaction report.

Data for this report was compiled using the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Assessments, a suite of benchmarking tools used by more than 3,000 colleges and universities for the last 25 years.