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2020 Marketing and Recruitment Practices for Undergraduate Students


2020 Marketing and Recruitment Practices Report

Which enrollment strategies do campuses rate as the most effective? Find out in our college recruitment practices report.

As the student search process becomes more digitally driven, are colleges and universities aligning their marketing and recruitment practices with the students they are targeting?

Read RNL’s latest college recruitment practices report to see which strategies and practices are most used and rated as the most effective. This report surveyed 150 four-year colleges and universities to reveal:

  • The top 10 most effective outreach strategies and tactics for marketing and recruitment.
  • Which channels and calls to action campuses use with their digital advertising.
  • The management practices rated as most effective by enrollment managers.
  • How campuses are engaging families during the search process.
  • How many institutions have recruitment strategies for underrepresented students.

You’ll also find key takeaways and insights into opportunities your campus can take right now.

Complete the form above to receive your free copy.

College recruitment practices report: most effective practices