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2019 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report


2019 National Student Satisfaction Report

Read this student satisfaction report to see trends from the last 10 years

This report examines results over the last decade as well as current data from more than 560,000 students at 856 colleges and universities. 

Higher education has seen significant changes in the student experience in the past 10 years. For the past decade, everything from student attitudes about college to the technology they use every day has impacted their satisfaction with, and perception of, the college experience, such as:

  • The value of college and the ROI on a college education.
  • The proliferation of smartphones and changing nature of engaging with campuses.
  • Increasing numbers of nontraditional students who have different expectations and experiences.
  • Greater concerns about campus safety.

How have these changes impacted student satisfaction with the college experience?

This RNL student satisfaction report examines data from more than a half million undergraduate students, adult learners, graduate students, and online learners at four-year and two-year institutions.

Results include:

  • Comparisons in student satisfaction, priorities, and enrollment factors between students from 2006-09 and 2016-19.
  • Student responses on a wide variety of key topics: cost of tuition, availability of financial aid, quality of instruction, career services, counseling, campus safety, and more.
  • Top items of importance for students from 2016-19.

The report also includes takeaways and strategies to help you assess students and use your data to improve the student experience. This national data set provides benchmark results for campuses conducting student satisfaction assessment, so they can compare their results to those of like institutions.

Complete the form above to receive your copy of this student satisfaction report.

Data for this report was compiled using the the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Assessments, a suite of benchmarking tools used by more than 2,900 colleges and universities for the last 25 years.