Home Fundraising Solutions Major Gift Fundraising Pipeline Building

Build a better pool of more qualified major and
planned giving prospects ready to give now

Nothing bogs down major gift productivity like having to spend so much time qualifying prospects and not enough building solid relationships with the right donors. Yet gift officers tell us that only a third of donors are truly qualified on average. That means officers have to meet with too many unqualified donors for planned giving and major gifts fundraising.

RNL’s Major and Planned Giving solutions solve this challenge by identifying and connecting you with the best prospects, providing a deep pool of top-rated major and planned giving donors who have the wealth and affinity that produce more major gifts. RNL Major Giving Pipeline Builder and RNL Planned Giving Pipeline Builder use advanced analytics, predictive modeling, multichannel donor warming, and personalized one-on-one engagement to produce more highly qualified donor pools.

Talk to our major and planned giving strategists to learn how you can book more big gifts now


How RNL’s Major and Planned Giving solutions transform your results

Intelligent analytics

qualify prospects more accurately by wealth and affinity.

1-on-1 conversations

engage donors and secure meetings for gift officers.

Insightful handoff

gives gift officers the information they need to close.

Donor warming

through multiple channels increases contact rates and interest.

Automatic scheduling

gets meetings with qualified donors on a gift officer’s calendar.

Ongoing training

maintains gift officer productivity and success.

Free white papers on major gifts and planned gifts

Advancement Leaders Speak: Major and Planned Giving Productivity

This extensive study of gift officers identifies their top concerns and challenges, including how they spend their time, qualify prospects, and how to increase success for gift officers today. Download now »

Making Major and Planned Giving More Productive

Read this 8-page white paper to learn how you can ramp up productivity and connect with more qualified donors. Download now »

Talk to our major and planned giving strategists to learn how you can book more big gifts now


Additional solutions for major and planned giving

Targeted Coverage

Have a gift officer leave? Need to get a new gift officer off to a fast start? Make sure you have 100% coverage of assigned major gift and planned giving prospects, plus new prospect qualification to help new gift officers hit the ground running.