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Find support for applying, utilizing,
and complying with Title III/V grants

Ruffalo Noel Levitz offers objective, retention-oriented evaluations of Title III and
Title V projects before, during, and/or after implementation. We bring a solid understanding
of the federal requirements, extensive experience in student success programming, and affordable rates.


You can contact us by phone and e-mail between evaluations for ongoing consultation as needs arise at no extra charge.

Project reviews

  • Written recommendations to strengthen and guide your efforts before or after you get under way, including an evaluation of your project design and evaluation methods.
  • Evaluations of the extent of project completion and success to date via on-site visits and your currently available data.
  • Assessments of the areas of greatest potential impact for the next (or the first) grant at your institution.

Compliance reviews

  • Written recommendations to assure adherence to Title III and Title V compliance requirements.
  • Evaluations of ways to provide evidence of completion for Annual Performance Reports and Final Performance Reports.

Contact us about a preliminary Title III/V evaluation

Note that Ruffalo Noel Levitz also offers strategic planning services for student success and retention which can be combined with our evaluations for Title III and Title V, or delivered separately.


Comments from campus clients:

Carl Sandburg College

“[Ruffalo Noel Levitz] has been a great help in improving our retention program. ”

Michael Walters, Dean, Learning Resource Services, Carl Sandburg College
Galveston College

“The evaluation reports we receive from [Ruffalo Noel Levitz] have been important for the continued success of our grant project.”

Cynthia Alcaca, Grant Manager, Galveston College

Timothy D. Culver
Vice President, Consulting Services, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
Tim Culver develops and maintains the retention consulting services of Ruffalo Noel Levitz. He specializes in enrollment management, retention planning, Title III and Title V grants, community college enrollment planning, developmental education, and student services assessments. He has consulted with more than 50 four-year and two-year institutions.