Find data to prioritize campus planning and
strengthen the student experience
The RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys (SPS) capture both the level of importance and the level of satisfaction that students assign to a variety of statements about their college experience. This combination of data allows an institution to view satisfaction within the context of what truly matters to students.
The results that are provided clearly identify institutional strengths (items with high importance and high satisfaction) as well as institutional challenges (items with high importance and low satisfaction).
External benchmarking is provided at the national and the regional level (for the SSI) so institutions can see where their students may be more or less satisfied than students nationally.
With administrations over multiple years, institutions will see year to year comparisons which will highlight where satisfaction levels have shifted significantly over time, allowing colleges to see how their initiatives have improved satisfaction levels.
In addition to providing data that is actionable for the entire student population, institutions can slice the data on all of the captured demographic variables to identify where there may be areas of greater concern by class level, race/ethnicity, enrollment status, major/programs, etc. Reviewing the data by demographic subpopulations can provide a clearer picture for initiatives to support student success efforts.
Also see:
- Particular data elements of the results are going to be relevant for specific departments on campus. Learn more here.
- The SPS results support multiple efforts on campus, including student success, accreditation, strategic planning and recruitment.
Watch this overview of SPS Reporting
This video provides an introduction to RNL SPS reporting and shows a preview of the reporting in the RNL Client Portal.
Complimentary consultation on student satisfaction assessment
Talk to our satisfaction assessment experts about how you can easily implement the survey on your campus, including when is the best time to survey and how to get strong completion rates.
SPS Report Deliverables
The reporting deliverables from RNL include a wealth of data automatically. We will deliver your calculated data in the RNL Client Portal, with a variety of reporting formats available to you to review and analyze your student feedback.
The deliverables include:
- The Main Report: Compare your institution’s survey results to the national comparison group or in some cases a regional comparison group. Your institutional strengths (items with high importance and high satisfaction) as well as your specific challenges (high importance and low satisfaction) are clearly identified.
- The Year-to-Year Report: Compare your most recent survey administration with a previous administration so you can see where satisfaction levels have shifted significantly over time.
- Comparison Report: Allows you to isolate the data by specific demographic subpopulations to provide you with a better understanding of the perceptions of subsets of your overall population.
- Versus Report: Compare two demographic subpopulations to each other, to see where one group may be significantly more or less satisfied than another group.
- Single Group Report: Allows you to isolate the data by a specific demographic subpopulation and compare it with the corresponding demographic subpopulation on the national level.
- Raw data files: Reflect all of the individual responses to each survey item as well as the demographic responses for additional analysis on campus.
- Open ended comments: Captured with online administrations, the comments provide qualitative information from your surveyed population.