Home › Enrollment Management Solutions › Student Success › RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™ › SPS Paper Administrations

What you will need in order to implement your survey.

1. Answer Sheets you should already have these on campus. We are no longer selling paper and pencil. The online implementation will be the only option moving forward.

2. Optional Survey Customization to be completed at your survey administration page.

  • Campus Defined Items: 10 positive statements (20 for ASPS) rated on importance and satisfaction.
  • Campus Defined Demographic Questions: One multiple choice questions where the survey recipient selects from one of the (up to) six responses provided.
  • Programs/Majors (we strongly recommend using): an unlimited list of programs/majors you offer.

To administer the customized sections of the paper-and-pencil surveys, simply prepare the items of your choosing on a separate sheet for your students or campus personnel to refer to at the appropriate time. (If you choose to use an item with four-digit numeric codes, be sure to provide a list of categories identified by each code. Examples: 1000 – English; 2540 – Biology, etc.) Type instructions such as the following at the top of a sheet of paper:

Please respond to the following additional items and record your responses on the actual inventory in the spaces provided next to the number indicated.

Below the instructions, list all the items you plan to include in numerical order. For example, a four-year university using every option available on the Form A SSI would list numbers 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 115, and 116.

For an example, see the Paper Implementation Guidelines (found below) on page 10.

Results for the customized items are automatically summarized in your Campus Report, minus national norm comparisons.

3. Return your answer sheets to RNL with the scoring request form included with your answer sheet delivery. If you don’t have the original answer sheet, simply include a cover letter with your school name, your name, and specific instructions we should know. Return your answer sheets using a trackable method with the following address:

SPS Processing
Ruffalo Noel Levitz – Attn: Wanda
1025 Kirkwood Pkwy SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Note, when your results are available (approximately 2-3 weeks after RNL receives your completed answer sheets), you will be notified via email with next steps on accessing the results.



Customization - Program/ Majors

On the answer sheets, you will find a space to bubble in a four digit numeric code for their program or major. On a separate sheet, you can provide the student with a listing of the programs you offer with a four digit code you have assigned. The student will then bubble in the appropriate response on their answer sheet.

Customization - Demographic Item

On the answer sheets, you will find a space to bubble in a campus-defined demographic question. On a separate sheet, you can provide the student with the custom question (multiple choice, where the student would select one of the up-to 6 responses. The student will then bubble in the appropriate response on their answer sheet.

Customization - Campus Defined Items

On the answer sheets, you will find a space to bubble in a campus-defined items. On a separate sheet, you can provide the student with the custom question. This allows you to provide 10 positive statements (20 for ASPS) that may be rated on importance and satisfaction. The student will then bubble in the appropriate response on their answer sheet. Contact Shannon Cook for examples.

Customization - NEW Campus Defined Items

We have new COVID and Racial/Ethnicity items for your consideration. If you opt to use some of these statements, you will need to swap them out with your previous campus defined items.  For items you want to maintain, make sure to keep them in their same survey position