Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys: Client Resources

Welcome to the client resources for the RNL SPS assessments. After you have placed your order, you are ready to move to the implementation phase. If you haven't done so already, please your order today!

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Home Enrollment Management Solutions Student Success RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™ SPS Client Resources

Online Implementation

After your order is placed, our Student Success team will set up your survey and send you an email outlining your next steps which include:

  • Ideas for promoting your survey administration
  • Uploading your student file
  • Customizing your email messages
  • Adding your campus specific questions

Online Implementation Model


An email notification will be sent to you when your reports  are available at the RNL Portal.  To assist with your report interpretation we have:

  • On demand tutorials walking you through the results
  • Information on reviewing and interpreting your results
  • Documentation on how to download and share your results
  • Resources for putting your data into action

Reporting Resources

Still have questions? See our FAQ.

Have you seen these?

More Items to Consider

Do you have survey/report samples?

Yes, these are all available on the web. Samples can be found on our samples webpage.

Do you have resources to help us interpret and use results?

Of course! We have a wealth of resources that will help you work through your results. Take a look at our webpages for interpreting and using your results.

Who will be included in my National Norm?

As a standard, we update our National Norms once a year (in the summer months). Typically, results include all institutions that have completed your survey type in the last three years. Your National Norm list can be found here.

Do you offer Accreditation Support?

Yes, we do! our  Support to help you with your accreditation can be found here.

What if we also assess student engagement?

Many institutions alternate between assessing student satisfaction and student engagement. You can learn more about how these two types of assessments support each other here.

Graduate Learner and Online Enrollment Management engagement

Graduate Student and Online Learner Enrollment Management web and reporting

How your campus benefits from regular surveying

More than 2,000 campuses have used these Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys, and the ones that have had the most consistent and lasting success are those that survey regularly.

Ruffalo Noel Levitz recommends surveying annually or every other year. Regular surveying:

  • Allows you to chart student satisfaction over time and measure your progress
  • Identifies new challenges that may arise
  • Provides ongoing data for campus planning, helping you allocate your resources more efficiently
  • Keeps your campus focused on providing a high quality of student life and learning