RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™

Pinpoint your immediate campus priorities and increase the satisfaction of your students with survey instruments used by more than 3,000 colleges and universities.

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HomeEnrollment Management SolutionsStudent SuccessRNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™

Strengthen the Quality of Student Life and
Learning on Your Campus


Successful campuses continuously strive to improve the quality of the student experience. In order to do that, you need to know where to focus your efforts.

The RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys (SPS) help you pinpoint those challenges and priorities. They allow you to look at your institution inside and outside of the classroom, so you can analyze a wide spectrum of issues that affect the student experience. You’ll see a clear picture of what you need to do now to improve student life, learning, and success.

Institutions regularly assess student satisfaction to:

  • Strengthen student success initiatives
  • Guide strategic action planning
  • Meet accreditation requirements
  • Identify areas of strength for institutional marketing
  • Chart progress toward campus goals

See four ways campuses use student satisfaction data.

Introduction to Satisfaction Surveying

Interested in learning how you can implement satisfaction assessment on your campus? Ask for a free consultation with our team.

Request free consultation

More than 3,000 campuses have used the RNL SPS


of clients are satisfied with the RNL instruments


report higher retention while using the RNL surveys


saw satisfaction levels increase year over year

Why use RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys?

  • They measure both the level of satisfaction and the level of importance, giving you results that show what matters to students.
  • The surveys capture perceptions of the student experience inside and outside the classroom.
  • Track institutional trends year over year to show improvements in student satisfaction.
  • Most surveys can be completed in just 15 minutes.
  • You receive benchmarks within two weeks that compare your students’ scores to peer institutions, pinpointing where your students are significantly more or less satisfied.

Power results for data-informed decision making

The results from the RNL satisfaction surveys provide your campus with a wealth of data points which will inform student success efforts, accreditation, strategic planning and provide your own internal market research for recruitment efforts. Learn more about the reporting automatically included.

Learn more about the reporting automatically included

Find the right RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys for your institution

Student Satisfaction Inventory
Taken by more than 6,000,000 students nationwide, this survey is ideal for for traditional-aged undergraduate students. Available for four-year and two-year institutions.

Learn more about the SSI

Adult Student Priorities Survey

Designed for graduate students and adult undergraduate students as well as adult students in weekend, evening, and continuing education courses.

Learn more about the ASPS

Priorities Survey for Online Learners

Developed for students in online distance learning programs, with survey items that relate specifically to the online learning experience.

Learn more about the PSOL

Institutional Priorities Survey

Given to administrators, faculty, and staff, with survey items that parallel the Student Satisfaction Inventory so you can compare the perspective of campus professionals to your students. Available for four-year and two-year institutions.

Learn more about the IPS

“We use the Student Satisfaction Inventory data in all of our departments, academic and non-academic, to determine if we are meeting expected outcomes. We intentionally make changes based on the data to improve the student experience.”

David Tudor
Vice President, Lexington Campus, Sullivan University
Indiana Wesleyan University logo

“When we focus on the identified strengths and challenges from our RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Survey results, we get more bang for our buck because we know these are areas that truly matter to our students.”

Tony Parandi
Director of Institutional Research, Indiana Wesleyan University
Southwestern Michigan College logo

“The SSI is easy to use and the RNL staff provide good directions and make the administration process simple to implement. They also provide excellent customer service throughout the process. The results are clear and provide actionable next steps. We took advantage of the free, one-hour report review and we really appreciated the additional observations that were shared to help us take the use of our results to the next level.”

Angie Evans
Director of Institutional Research, Southwestern Michigan College

“The RNL online administration system is the easiest, most user-friendly one we use for surveying students. Plus the customer-service experience was amazing and the best we have ever had with a vendor!”

Lakin Wooldridge
Director, Enrollment Management, Office of e-Campus Learning, Eastern Kentucky University

More research and insights on student satisfaction

Additional solutions for student success

RNL Student Success™

Discover the most comprehensive way to nurture and develop successful students from pre-enrollment through graduation.

RNL Student Retention Predictor™

Identify student retention risk factors through advanced analytics.

RNL Retention Management System Plus™

Increase retention and completion with these early-alert and motivational assessments.