Discover advanced analytics for student success
RNL Student Predictor combines advanced student retention analytics with insightful retention consulting to deliver actionable predictions and expert advice that strengthens retention, persistence, and graduation rates.
How RNL Student Predictor benefits you and your students
- Experienced retention consultants provide specific data-guided prescriptions for your institution.
- You receive specific insights for each individual student and aggregate information for groups of students.
- Individual student risk indicators help to guide proactive actions.
- College Student Inventory survey results provide a deeper understanding of first-year students’ motivation and needs
- Strategic insights strengthen student success policies to help more students complete their eductaional goals.
- Fast time-to-value helps your institution realize its return on investment more quickly than traditional in-house analysis.
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See how you can use the student retention predictor to increase retention, progression, and completion with your students
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Additional Solutions for Student Success
RNL Retention Management System™
Increase retention and completion with these early-alert and motivational assessments.
RNL Student Success™
Discover the most comprehensive way to nurture and develop successful students from pre-enrollment through graduation.
RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Assessments™
Identify priorities for student retention and campus planning with these assessments for students, staff, and parents.