The resources below will help you interpret, review, and use the information captured from the RMS Plus surveys. Review the documents and determine which will be of most value for you and your team.
These guides are for those who will be working directly with students to discuss their results. Clients are encouraged to share this link with their advising team or download and print the guide for distribution.
As a reminder, the coordinator of the project can refer to the Coordinators Guide for instructions on drafting an advisor training. We also offer advisor trainings for a fee. Please contact if you are interested in purchasing a training session.
Scale Descriptions: provide an overview of the individual reports and the scales that make up each report
Overview Documents: a two-page reference sheet on the data and reports
- Sample text for introducing the student report to a group
- Conversation Starters
- CSI Form BÂ / CSI Form C,
- Example of student/advisor interaction using the CSI
- Worksheets and Assignments
- Student Contract for Next Steps
- Referral Resources: Sample referral form / Sample referral chart
For complete instructions on using the Retention Data Center, review our Users Guide. You may also find the references below helpful.
- Report Retrieval/Video Tutorial: designed to walk you through pulling reports. Additional detail found in the complete Users Guide.
- Filtering: instruction on filtering student records can be found starting on page 22 of the Users Guide or in our Video Tutorial.
- Exporting: instruction on exporting student data can be found starting on page 24 of the Users Guide or in our Video Tutorial.
- Emailing: instruction on emailing students can be found starting on page 16/27 of the Users Guide.
- Setting up users: instruction on creating accounts for others on your campus can be found starting on page 4 of the Users Guide.
Additional RMS Resources
Whether you are surveying for the first time or the 10th time, this page provides all the information you need for successfully surveying your students.
Implement Your SurveyTo get the highest return on your investment, you must use your data in multiple ways. The resources on this page are a great way to share, present, and take action on your data with others on campus.
Share Your Results