StudentFunder From RNL

RNL StudentFunder is a customizable college crowdfunding platform that empowers students to raise funds for college. This easy-to-use platform is fully branded to your institution and integrated to your payment processor so funds raised go directly to the student's institutional account. It's a great way for students and families to cover the gap left after they receive their financial aid.

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A college crowdfunding platform
built with Gen Z in mind


RNL StudentFunder gives students everything they need to run their own crowdfunding campaigns. Students can:

  • Express their unique story by adding video and images to their campaign page.
  • Communicate with their network via automated in-platform communications.
  • Share their campaign on social media.
  • Stay informed througout the campaign with automated alerts.
  • See updates and contributions via a supporter’s wall.

RNL StudentFunder is a self-service platform

✔ Makes it easy for campuses to set up and customize

✔ Includes automated alerts for management of campaigns

✔ Provides full control over criteria, student access, and student’s campaigns

Why students need RNL StudentFunder to cover the gap between aid and cost


of students have unmet need


of college students do not have the financial resources needed to finish college


of high school students say college financing will be very or somewhat difficult

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See a demonstration of RNL StudentFunder and learn how it can help your students close the college cost gap.

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How does RNL StudentFunder
help your students and your institution?

RNL StudentFunder college crowdfunding platform

  • Promotes student self-advocacy with their college journey.
  • Provides transparency to the student’s supporters so they know how their contributions directly impact the student.
  • Decreases pressure on your staff and your financial aid resources by giving students a way to raise additional funds.
  • Increases enrollment yield and reduces student melt by providing the funding students need to enroll and persist.

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More solutions for addressing yield and cost

RNL Advanced FinAid Solutions

Develop a strategic financial aid plan that is aligned with your goals for enrollment and net revenue, while also addressing affordability for students.

RNL Personalized FinAid Video

Engage admitted students and explain their financial aid offers more clearly with personalized financial aid offer videos that you can deliver to each student.

RNL Melt Prevention

Boost yield and reduce melt by connecting incoming students with their college peer community, reinforcing their commitment and connection to your institution.