SPS Interpreting & Using Your Results

Once you've received confirmation that your SPS results are ready, you are ready to login and review your results.

Home Enrollment Management Solutions Student Success RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™ SPS Interpreting & Using Your Results


It’s essential to review the SPS Quick Guide the first time you are logging in. The guide provides log in instructions and a walkthrough of the client portal.

To access your SPS reports, log in to RNL’s Client Portal. myportal.rnl.com

Note, if you need to create logins for other colleagues, please contact StudentSuccessTech@Ruffalonl.com.

The SPS Interpretive Guide provides a deeper understanding of each report format within the Client Portal, along with guidance on how to review the report segments. It is a well indexed document that will answer the majority of your reporting questions.

To be used in conjunction with the interpretive guide, the SPS Addendums provide specific details about each of the unique survey instruments in the SPS family of surveys.  Download the survey-specific version(s) you administered on your campus.

Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)
Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS)
Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL)
Institutional Priorities Survey (IPS)

To review a list of standard survey items, select your survey type on Survey Items section here.

The SPS Use and Share Guide provides a variety of suggestions on how to best use and share SPS data on campus. This document can help you get the greatest return on your investment with the RNL survey instruments.

For additional data sharing resources review our Data Sharing Webpage. Download templates for customizable Infographics, PowerPoints, Executive Summary Word documents and more.


Within the Client Portal you have two different methods for exporting your data.

Executive Summary: This high-level overview of your key data points is a great way to share your data across campus. Our template will walk you through easily creating a document that can be shared.

Excel file: Easily export your data into Excel using the export function and selecting Data with Current Layout. Populate our Excel template for an Excel file with icons that match your interactive reports. Our video tutorial explains the process.

The SPS Report Tutorials walk you through how to access and review your Satisfaction-Priorities data. We highly suggest you take the time to review these tutorials.

  • Report Tutorial 1 is a 20-minute tutorial providing an introduction to the RNL Client Portal SmartView Reports, with a focus on the SPS Main Report and the SPS Year to Year Report.
  • As a follow up to Part 1, Report Tutorial 2 is a 12-minute tutorial provides guidance on the data slicing options including the SPS Comparison, Versus and Single Group Reports, as well as the raw data files.

Contact Julie Bryant with any questions on interpreting your results. You can also schedule a free, one-hour report review conversation with Julie at a mutually convenient time.  This conversation can be one-on-one or you are welcome to invite your leadership group to join the conversation.  We will walk you through building your reports in the RNL Client Portal, highlight key data observations and brainstorm with you on next steps to get the most from your satisfaction survey investment.


National Comparison Group

Download the list of institutions included in your national comparison group or review the standard survey items.

Raw Data Support

Directions and file formats to support your use of the raw data files.

To quickly calculate your Net Promoters Score, use our template.

Assessment Cycle Plan

Guidelines on what can be done each month over a two-year assessment cycle.

Accreditation Support

Materials to help you use your satisfaction data to support your regional accreditation process.

Engagement Surveying

Also assessing student engagement?  Review the documents mapping your satisfaction data with your NSSE or CCSSE results.

RNL Presentations

Review a variety of past presentations by RNL staff, some featuring client institutions, to help you make the most of your data.


Check out our RNL blogs page. You can search on Student Satisfaction or Student Success or any other topic of interest to you.


We invite you to join our Student Success LinkedIn Group. Find us at: RNL Student Success