Home Enrollment Management Solutions Student Success Student Retention Predictor Student Retention Predictor Clients and Case Studies

Learn how campuses have benefited
from the Student Retention Predictorâ„¢

Old Dominion University (Virginia)

Retention rate improves to 82 percent, graduation rates reach highest levels in recent school history.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Learn how this university helps its first-year students complete their first term in good academic standing using predictive models

Rockhurst University (Missouri)

Read how this university is increasing retention through outreach and intervention to moderate-risk students.

Lynchburg College (Virginia)

Learn how this college is using the Student Retention Predictor to make incremental retention improvements

Comments from campus leaders

Rockhurst University

“The Student Retention Predictor has made me a believer in using data, because it's been so easy! It all just started to click and inform the work we were doing. Instead of doing what we thought was right, we're doing what we know is right.”

Sandy Waddell, Assistant Dean of Students, Rockhurst University
Lynchburg College

“What I love the most about the Student Retention Predictor is that it helps us identify individual students that may have greater risk factors. It gives us the opportunity to focus one-on-one attention to individualize students' experience to be successful. We know right off from the beginning which students are not likely to stay.”

Angelo L. Colon, Jr., Director of First-Year Programs, Lynchburg College
Old Dominion University

“Incorporating the Student Retention Predictor into our Success Continuum initiatives has helped us improve our retention rate to 82 percent as well as realize the highest 4, 5, and 6 year graduation rates in our recent history. We are also seeing improvement in time-to-degree. In just one year, we've seen students increase their hours completed by 1.5 credits.”

Jane Dané, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Old Dominion University
State University of New York at Delhi

“A lot of us felt like we knew what was working and not working, but a lot of the decision making was not based on hard data. This was an objective way of looking at what we were doing and what we needed to do. It was an eye-opener to us to look at some of the key risk factors. This approach has positioned us to make decisions based on data, and truthfully, if we retain two to three additional students per year, it pays for itself.”

Dr. Candace Vancko, President, State University of New York at Delhi

See the likelihood of each student persisting at your institution

Find out more about the Student Retention Predictor, the advanced system to target students
more precisely for early intervention. Or contact us today and ask how you can jumpstart your retention initiatives.