RNL Enrollment Toolkit

Convert more applications and boost your enrollment yields with RNL's Enrollment Toolkit. These solutions work together to capture student interest through their smartphones, showcase the appeal of your campus, and turn parents into enrollment champions.

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Home Enrollment Management Solutions RNL Enrollment Toolkit

Solutions to increase engagement,
yield, and enrollment results



Convert target audiences with hyper-focused campaigns

Find everything your campus needs to execute modern higher ed digital marketing campaigns that produce enrollment results. Increase engagement with digital ads, amplify your marketing campaigns, and maximize conversions using robust targeting tactics that deliver the right messages to the right students on the devices they use every day.


Digital Advertising




Create immersive online engagement opportunities that produce enrollment results

Drive enrollment through personalized digital engagement solutions such as video viewbook storytelling, virtual experiences, and interactive virtual tours and campus maps.

RNL Virtual Experience


Combine personalized video with surveys that tell you how serious a student is about enrolling.



Connect with students through personalized videos while qualifying intent to enroll

Video connects with students like no other medium—and personalization increases the impact of any message. With Video Engagement, you get the best of both worlds plus the ability to deliver quick surveys that gauge students’ interest in enrolling. The result: you can engage and focus on more of your prospects who are your best bets to enroll.

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See how these solutions ensure you will engage students and parents as they make their college decisions, increasing conversions and boosting your enrollment.

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4 key facts about student and parent engagement


of parents are involved in college planning with students.


of publics say digital advertising is effective (as do 93% of privates).


of students cite video as a key influence in their enrollment decision.


of students say campus visits are "very important" in choosing an institution.

Research, resources, and insights