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Find out which college competitors
pose the greatest threat to your student enrollment

Which types of students are you at greatest risk of losing to key competitors?
How does your market share for college student enrollment compare to your competitors?
Are there any trends or characteristics that might reveal why you are losing enrollment to specific colleges?

These are just some of the questions you can examine with a Market Share Analysis. This customized study dives into your enrollment data, demographic data of your students, and the enrollment trends and characteristics of competing institutions to reveal which student segments in your target markets are most vulnerable to initiatives at your competitors.

Receive a fully customized analysis that reveals specific factors why you may be losing your fair share of enrolled students to selected competitors

The Market Share Analysis gives you the most thorough, accurate way to assess what types of college students choose competing colleges over your campus.

  • See historical trends in competitors’ characteristics and their market share over time.
  • Uncover revealing trends among the prospective students you are losing. The Market Share Analysis looks at key factors such as demographics, academic ability, financial aid awards, ability to pay, household income, and distance/geography.
  • Track other significant trends that could affect college choice, such as tuition levels, discounting strategy, school selectivity, and other key factors.
  • Assess your market position and market share in relation to key competitors.

Receive expert recommendations for improving your college market share

Your Ruffalo Noel Levitz research consultant reviews the data and makes recommendations for addressing the issues behind lost enrollment and to improve your market share. You also receive a summary report and the full data files.

Guide your decisions with solid data. Talk with our market research consultants.


Strategy Roadmap Solutions

RNL Market Research

Guide your enrollment decisions with solid research and data on academic demand, price sensitivity and cost, and other key areas.

RNL Strategic Enrollment Planning

Ensure long-term enrollment success and fiscal health by aligning your institution’s fiscal, academic, co-curricular, and enrollment resources with its changing environment.

RNL Comprehensive Consulting for Student Recruitment, Retention, and Financial Aid

Make your enrollment efforts more effective and efficient—from awareness to financial aid awarding to graduation.

RNL Web Strategy and Interactive Marketing Services

Drive online engagement and build connections that produce great enrollment results.