student success

Top 3 practices for retaining online learners, as rated by campus officials on a recent poll

Ruffalo Noel LevitzAugust 13, 2013

Four-year private institutions

Four-year public institutions

Two-year public institutions

In a poll of higher education officials conducted in spring 2013, campus leaders across institution types gave their highest marks to “required training programs for online faculty” and “technical support to address online connection issues” when evaluating a list of 10 practices for retaining online learners. The poll from Noel-Levitz asked the officials to rate the 10 practices using a four-part scale: “very effective,” “somewhat effective,” “minimally effective,” and “method not used.”

In addition to required training programs and technical support, respondents from four-year private institutions also gave high marks to “mandatory interaction between faculty and students,” while respondents from four-year and two-year public institutions further affirmed the importance of faculty development and support.

Despite the high ratings for required training programs, the poll found that many respondents were not using required training programs with their online faculty, including one-third to one-half of four-year private and public institutions and one-quarter of two-year public institutions.

For the complete findings of the poll concerning online learners, see the 2013 Student Retention and College Completion Practices Report. See especially pages 13, 21, and 29 and the highlights at the bottom of page 5–but also don’t miss the ratings that compare the overall effectiveness and usage of retention programs for online learners to the effectiveness of other retention strategies and tactics as shown on pages 4 and 5 and detailed in the report appendix.

For still more insights on retaining online learners, see our 2013 Online Learners Report for recent data on the satisfaction and priorities of this important population.

Is retaining online learners a high priority on your campus? Let us share some strategies with you that other institutions have found to be effective. Contact us to discuss your strategy for increasing online learner completion rates with a Noel-Levitz expert.

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