student success

Student Jobs Impact Student Success and Retention

Ruffalo Noel LevitzSeptember 14, 2010

Cover: Enhancing Student Success by Treating "Student Jobs" as "Real Jobs". Research on how student employment can positively affect student success and retention.

Research shows that more than three-quarters of college students today are employed while taking classes. Many of these students work at campus jobs. Institutions employing students on campus realize multiple benefits:

  • On-campus employment can be an effective way to engage students in campus life and increase their sense of identity with the institution.
  • Students who work perform better academically than their non-working peers.
  • Campus jobs help prepare students for their post-collegiate career.
  • With tight budgets, employing student workers can help leverage resources.

You can download the white paper Enhancing Student Success by Treating “Student Jobs” as “Real Jobs” to learn some useful things regarding student workers, including:

  • Seven suggestions for maximizing the return from your investment in student employees
  • Common elements of student worker training
  • Eight ways supervisors can best help student workers

How does your campus get the most out of campus employment opportunities for students? What kind of training and support is available for supervisors of student employees? What kind of training is provided for student workers?

Read on, and see how you can significantly enhance your student employees’ work experience and boost job site productivity.

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