
These 4 Podcasts Will Help You Transform What We Used to Call “Phonathon” Into Your Highest ROI Fundraising

Ruffalo Noel LevitzMay 20, 2020

In the past few months, RNL has transformed the thing we used to call phonathon into the Digital Engagement Center. This revolutionary donor engagement program takes advantage of multiple, integrated contact channels: integrated P2P texting, personalized video, email and analytics-driven calling. And it can all be done, managed and monitored remotely when we can’t be in the same room together.

RNL Digital Engagement Center

We do so much more than talk on our phones these days, and maximizing smartphone outreach to donors will improve your ROI and create a better donor experience. Here are four podcasts that describe key aspects of the Digital Engagement Center revolution.

Advanced analytics help you reach the right donors at the right time, with the right message.

Josh Robertson shares how moving to integrated, prescriptive analytics makes a big difference for your outreach focus and results.

Whitelisting and Visual Caller ID help your calls get through and get noticed.

Shad Hanselman describes how advanced whitelisting of numbers and the new technology of Visual Caller ID can get your calls through to donors more often and with impact.

The “student caller” is retired, and now is called an engagement ambassador.

Autumn Horton and Brian Cass share the new role for the student caller, and how moving to an engagement ambassador model maximizes the donor experience and multiplies the contacts you make with your investment.

Here’s an overview of how it all comes together into the RNL Digital Engagement Center

Combining calling with integrated text, email, personalized video, and call-enhancing technologies make the Digital Engagement Center a game changer. Renee Vaillancourt joins Autumn and Shad to explain.

RNL is welcoming partners to this strategically managed, remote engagement solution right now. Drop us a line and we’ll provide a no-cost evaluation of your program, hear about your goals, and introduce you to the next generation of donor engagement. You can be up and running with an integrated, omnichannel remote engagement solution quickly and keep moving forward with your goals.

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