
New Fundraising Voices Podcast: Millennial Engagement

Ruffalo Noel LevitzAugust 12, 2016
Katherine Lisciani
Katherine Lisciani has been named a Top Millennial in Marketing by LinkedIn and will be a keynote speaker at the Digital Philanthropy and Millennial Engagement Conference.

Katherine Lisciani is a millennial, and over at she has been named a top millennial marketer by LinkedIn. She’s helped organize powerful campaigns to engage and energize young supports for causes.

In advance of Katherine’s appearance as a keynote at our upcoming Digital Philanthropy and Millennial Engagement Conference (Oct. 13-14 in Atlanta), I got Katherine on the line to talk about best practices for marketing to a generation that has increasing influence over our results. For many causes, and particularly higher education institutions, young people are the largest part of our constituent base, but we’re engaging them with the same old tactics that we’ve used on their parents and grandparents.

Listen to the podcast to hear a taste of what Katherine will talk about in October.


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One thing we talk about in the podcast is the Global Citizen Festival, a great example of cause marketing to a diverse crowd of supporters.

The 2016 Global Citizen Festival asks supporters to “earn” their ticket through direct advocacy on the cause of world hunger.

Now in its fifth year, the 2016 concert asks “There is enough food in the world to feed everyone. So why are so many people suffering from hunger-related inequities?” Supporters can earn their tickets by performing a set of actions that support the cause.

While you probably can’t get Rihanna to headline your next event, there’s may be something here for fundraisers. What can our supporters do to “earn” a special place in our organizations. Given research that shows millennials view their time and social networks as equal or more valuable than money, is a strategy like this something you could integrate into your plan?

You’ll here more great questions – and answers – about key millennial cause marketing topics at our October conference. Join us there to kick start your engagement of young donors.


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