
Podcast: Major and planned giving productivity

Ruffalo Noel LevitzFebruary 15, 2017

Podcast on major and planned giving productivityYou just can’t book big gifts if your fundraising team isn’t productive. This is a top concern for fundraisers who are being asked to book bigger and bigger giving totals each year. Ruffalo Noel Levitz talked to hundreds of major and planned giving fundraisers in 2016 and heard some common roadblocks that are holding teams back: finding the right donors to talk to, supporting gift officers with good information and training, and preparing donors and fundraisers for great visits. Add in gift officer turnover, and many organizations are struggling to reach their fundraising potential.

So we embarked on the creation of a solution that’s great for both donors and fundraisers. This podcast features 7 RNL leaders providing a look “under the hood” to show how the solution came together. They discuss what increasing productivity can mean for your aspirational fundraising goals.


Included are:

  • How predictive analysis of your donor base can take you beyond wealth rating.
  • How warming up donors before a conversation makes a difference.
  • Getting help with a first conversation to qualify donors and schedule a gift officer meeting.
  • Why productivity matters for your overall goals.

Ready to ramp up major and planned giving productivity?

Making Major Giving and Planned Giving More Productive
Click to get the paper

Start with our white paper, Making Major and Planned Giving More Productive, which illustrates how increases in efficiency and productivity can have a dramatic impact on your big gift results.

Find our more about RNL major and planned giving solutions, including case studies and testimonials at

And read more about our take on major and planned giving productivity at our blog.

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