
Podcast: Value of New Donors in the Long Term

Ruffalo Noel LevitzOctober 21, 2016

Acquiring new donors is important for any fundraising program. Encouraging new people to give every year is crucial. As fundraisers, new donor acquisition is usually not something we’re real excited about- in the first year it’s expensive, but we do it anyway.

We wondered if these fundraiser assumptions are really true when you consider contributions over the long term. Do you really, when you consider long term donor value, lose money on new donors? Sean Shaikun,  Director of Market Research, recently embarked on a project to answer the question “Is donor acquisition really worth it?.” He looked into millions of donor records from 16 institutions who used our RNL360 analysis program to see what new donors 20 years ago actually did over two decades. Sean joins us in this podcast to unpack the results.

You can download the study results  and read more on the RNL blog.

New donors add up tremendously over the years, with our study showing an average 20-year donor value of more than $1800
Our study of donor giving from 1995-2015 shows the dramatic long-term value from investing in new donors.

The RNL fundraising team has a passion for helping organizations capture donor passion and translate it into long term impact. Get in touch with us today to receive a customized calculator based on this study for what new donor acquisition can mean for you in the long term. We’re ready to help make a plan for your great new donor engagement and retention program.

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