
Podcast: Jerry Panas and the Lost Manuscript

Ruffalo Noel LevitzOctober 1, 2015

Fundraising-Voices-logo-tnI’m excited to share that Ruffalo Noel Levitz is officially launching our Fundraising Voices podcast, and we’ll be rolling out some great episodes to you over the next few weeks.

If you’re a fundraiser you’ve probably heard of Jerry Panas. He’s written 17 books on major gift fundraising, connecting with donors and other topics, and traveled worldwide to speak to fundraisers and conduct institutes to help us do more with our message. His books include the best selling books Asking and Mega-Gifts, two topics he knows a lot about. These books are important parts of my library. panaslinzy


But one of the best books I’ve added to my library this year is both new and almost 50 years old and it got to my house by way of an interesting place —  from a box in Jerry’s basement. Do I have your attention yet?

It’s called The Lost Manuscript: Wit and Wisdom of Si Seymour and it’s an incredible combination of wisdom from Jerry and Harold J. “Si” Seymour, author of what we’re pretty sure is the first fundraising book ever written in the early 1960’s. Seymour was part of some of the first modern university campaigns and one of the true founders of our field.

panasbook2The manuscript was given to Jerry by Si Seymour over 40 years ago and is basically materials that were used in speeches, but was until now lost to history in storage. Jerry did an absolutely incredible historical reproduction of the manuscript (down to the 60’s-esque canvas-covered binder and yellowing pages) and added notes to comment on and update the material. He calls them “crib notes” and they demonstrate that while many things have changed, much of the fundraising wisdom from 50 years ago still rings true.

I was able to get Jerry on the phone for a great interview about the Manuscript and he shares commentary about meeting Si Seymour, wisdom from the manuscript, and then breaks into what can only be described as pure Jerry Panas golden wisdom. This is a guy who regularly quotes Maimonides and St. Paul in speeches and doesn’t believe in opening donor meetings with handout materials, preferring to open with key questions and “Sell the Dream.” Take a listen, hear the story of re-discovering the manuscript, and soak in some of Jerry’s great stories. I hope you enjoy it.

Then, you can check out Panas, Linzy and Partners on Facebook, follow Jerry on Twitter, and head to The Institute for Charitable Giving to find out about training, seminars and other great resources to grow your fundraising success.

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