
Millennial Impact Founder Talks Cause Engagement

Ruffalo Noel LevitzSeptember 6, 2016
Derrick Feldmann is the president of Achieve and founder of The Millennial Impact Report
Hear Derrick Feldmann discuss Millennial engagement in this episode of Fundraising Voices.

Derrick Feldmann is the president of Achieve and founder of The Millennial Impact Report, which has given us some of the best research we have on how young people engage causes, make donations, and express passion for social change. He’ll be the opening keynote at our upcoming Digital Philanthropy and Millennial Engagement Conference in Atlanta, and I got him on the phone to talk about his research and give a preview of what he’ll tell us at the event.


As Derrick describes it, how your organization leverages people, relevancy, and creativity makes a big difference to gaining a group of people who are willing to “belong.” With the right tools and resources, our job is to take those people from simply belonging to “owning” a cause.

There are some of the key point’s from Derrick’s new book: Social Movements for Good. This book is really good. It is an incredible resource for fundraisers or cause professionals to learn about how to engage any generation of supporters.


If you join us at the conference in October, you’ll get a copy of Derrick’s book, hear more great insights, and further your engagement of all your supporters online. You will also hear strategies to engage Millennials, who can really give your cause a boost. Check out the agenda and speaker list. Podcast listeners can receive a 20% discount, using code DIGITAL20.

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