
Major and planned giving: media coverage of our groundbreaking survey

Ruffalo Noel LevitzAugust 2, 2017

Last month, we published the third installment of Advancement Leaders Speak,
one of the biggest surveys ever of major and planned giving professionals. Advancement leaders told us how they feel about their productivity in engaging donors. A few quick facts from the report:

  • 92% of gift officers want to spend their time differently, and over half say they are not spending enough time on solicitation.
  • Less than a third say that current wealth and propensity ratings really help them focus on the right donors.
  • On average, only about half of identified prospects get a visit each year.

Here’s some of the great media coverage of the report:

Check out what these experts had to say about our research, and download the full report.

Drop us a line If you would like hear about our game-changing solutions to transform major and planned giving donor identification that serve up appointments with donors ready to give directly with your giving team.

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