
Major and planned gift officers talk about productivity

Ruffalo Noel LevitzJuly 12, 2017

We recently released one of the largest surveys ever of major and planned gift officers. We heard answers from 270 professionals (with an average experience of 13 years each in fundraising) about their productivity and contact with top donors who make the biggest gifts. These professionals work with the generous donors who are funding key programs, establishing scholarship endowments, and naming buildings.

What we heard is that time pressure is a major roadblock for major and planned gift officers and on average, only about half of identified prospects receive a visit each year.  The reasons for this have a lot to do with the need for better tools and processes to focus on the right donors. Here are some of the stats:

Survey of major and planned gift officers
Click to enlarge

Download the full survey report today to read the full results and quotes from major and planned gift officers about productivity.

You can also hear about the results in our latest episode of Fundraising Voices.

If you would like to increase your gift officer team’s productivity, contact us today. We’ll show you a way to focus on the right donors, and to serve up appointments with your top prospects, warmed up and fully researched, to use your time and your donors’ time better.

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