
Friday Update: donors big, small, and happy

Ruffalo Noel LevitzFebruary 3, 2017

The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.

This week we have some features on big and small donors, and how to have more happy donors.

From around the web:

happy donors
7 Strategies to Create Happier, More Generous Donors
NonProfit PRO

Nonprofits need to tell a compelling story the donor wants to enter into. Make what you say relevant to people’s experiences… Read more »

major donors happy donors
The 30 Million Dollar Donor
Veritus Group

Several weeks ago we received some not-so-surprising news from a client in the western U.S. I say “not so surprising” because we see the very same thing with other clients all the time. But it was surprising to this client. Here’s what happened… Read more »

happy donors are loyal donors
Why Your Smaller-Dollar Donors Should Matter

The Agitator ran an article about changes in giving that ought to concern us all. While overall giving was up last year, more of the money came from wealthy donors. Smaller dollar gifts declined. Do read the article, and the study, Gilded Giving, it references. In the article, Roger Craver points out some disturbing ways this trend can hurt the sector – and the world. One of the most dangerous is that having fewer, larger donors leads to skewed priorities… Read more »

easy giving options create more happy donors
What About Including a Text Box on Your Donate Form, Like SolarAid?
ifundraiser blog

Once you adopt a mindset of “how can we get people to spread our story?” obvious ideas seem to drop out. So how about simply asking your donors to rate and review you and sharing this on your website? So simple, yet I can’t find a single charity that does this. Whilst there are third party review sites like GuideStar and Charity Navigator in the U.S., that’s not the same thing. Maybe this is because it needs a bit of effort to add reviews to your website?… Read more »

Spotlight: Get your conference on!

The 2017 conference season is in full swing. We’re excited to be presenting sessions with successful institutions at these upcoming CASE Conferences:

  • CASE III Annual Conference in Nashville: Hear how UNC Charlotte succeeded in year-round engagement
  • CASE IV Annual Conference: Find out how the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma used creative marketing to capture new donors.
  • CASE VII Annual Conference: Learn how UC Santa Barbara built a Giving Year success.

We’ll see you on the road!

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