
Good News from the CASE Fundraising Index

Brian GaworAugust 28, 2014

CASE-FI-graph-tnWe have some good news from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. The CASE Fundraising Index, a survey of fundraising leaders, estimated that giving to higher education grew by 5.4% during the past fiscal year ending June 30. This matches the trend reported by Giving USA earlier this year.

Fundraisers at community colleges reported the largest gains, coming in at a 7.2% increase.

According to the survey, fundraisers at public institutions predict growth of 6.1% in the coming year, with private institution fundraisers predicting 5.5% growth. It’s great to see this upward trend and strong confidence as we move out of the recession which has hindered many of our programs.


As I’ve described before we still have a lot of ground to make up with a decline in alumni donors. That’s still declining, and many institutions are expending new resources to attract the younger generations of donors.

Read the full press release here.

And if you’re not a CASE member, strongly consider joining this incredible group of higher education advancement professionals.

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