
3 Ways to Stand Out on #GivingTuesday

Ruffalo Noel LevitzNovember 8, 2016

How can your fundraising organization stand out on #GivingTuesdayAs #GivingTuesday continues to grow in popularity for good causes as well as for donors and consumers, I’m often asked, “How can my organization stand out to our supporters on #GivingTuesday?”  It’s a good question, especially since most people will receive 2-3x the amount of emails during the holiday season. But, that doesn’t mean your organization can’t stand out and inspire donors on the big day.

We already have a fall campaign (or do other giving days), how does a #GivingTuesday campaign fit into our strategy?

#GivingTuesday should complement your existing fundraising strategy and work to build on what you’re already doing. Look at your current campaign calendar and determine how you can use this day to kickoff a new initiative or plug some holes in your strategy. Use #GivingTuesday to target specific segments of donors, focus on a certain program or highlight a special type of giving (such as crowdfunding or monthly giving). You can also adjust your approach by focusing on stewardship and service rather than solicitation. By getting more specific, you can tell a more interesting, relevant, and memorable story, differentiating your #GivingTuesday outreach from your other campaigns.

How can we stand out when so many other organizations are reaching out on #GivingTuesday?

There are three Cs to remember: clarity, consistency, and community.

First, get clear on your message and call to action. How will you communicate your message with a specific voice and theme?

Then, ensure that you are consistently delivering this message leading up to and throughout your campaign. Boost your campaign recognition by using the same message and design elements in all of your materials.

Finally, remember that #GivingTuesday is ultimately about your community of supporters. Go beyond a traditional one-way appeal and invite your donors to get involved, spread the word, and join the conversation about why your cause is important to them.

What’s the most effective way to get our message out on #GivingTuesday or our giving day? Is this just about social media?

The compressed timeline of a giving day certainly makes social media a great channel to reach donors, but it shouldn’t be the only way you communicate with your supporters.  Create a “surround sound” approach to communicate with your donors through multiple channels to reinforce your message and remind them to take action on the big day.

Create a donor-centric journey by incorporating your #GivingTuesday campaign theme on your website, in your emails and direct mail pieces, on your donation pages, in social media, and anywhere your donors are. Take advantage of technology that allows you to deploy targeted digital advertising to specific segments of your audience and retargeting to capture the attention of supporters who are visiting your site.

The most successful giving day campaigns are those that have a clear plan, rally their community, show some personality and focus on a specific outcome for the organization. Include these elements in your plan and your giving day campaign will shine brighter the rest.

Get the right tools to make your giving day a success. Create a unique donor-centric campaign that stands out and reflects your organization’s personality with Ruffalo Noel Levitz’s Scalefunder platform. Get your free demo today.

Or learn how the University of California, Santa Barbara, raised nearly $4M on their giving day by leveraging specific messaging, matching funds and Ruffalo Noel Levitz’s Scalefunder platform. Read the case study.

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