
Lessons from Fundraising Yoda

Ruffalo Noel LevitzFebruary 20, 2015

My daughter asked to watch Star Wars this weekend, and I also stumbled across my new teacher on Twitter, Yoda, CFRJ (Certified Fundraising Jedi).

This must be a convergence in the Force.

I spent some time reading his contributions and here are a few recent highlights:

I wish I had this when I started as a major gift fundraiser years back:

Gratitude involves remembering and treasuring donors:

…Even when they complain:

Help your donors feel special:

(That’s one reason why I like the phone channel so much. There’s a tremendous opportunity to show gratitude, make a personal connection and hear the donor’s story.)

Fundraising Yoda tweets regularly and very wise he is. Head on over and become a student of Yoda, CFRJ today.

And may The Force, and the donors, be with you.

-Brian Gawor, CFRP (Certified Fundraising Padawan)

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