Friday Update: Trout, Stories and Online Gifts 7-17-2015
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
What color is your trout?
F. Duke Haddad writes a great post for NonProfitPro about how to stand out as a nonprofit organization when thousands of other charities are soliciting your donors.
Should Fundraisers be storytellers?
Jenny Ramage at CharityChoice talks about the power of letting those impacted by your support share what it meant to them: “Perhaps the role of the fundraiser isn’t to tell the beneficiary’s story, but to facilitate the telling of it,” she says. Check it out.
Online Giving: Double Digit Growth
The Blackbaud Index reported that overall charitable giving to nonprofits increased 1.3% and online giving increased 13.2% for the three months ending May 2015 as compared to the same period in 2014. Peruse the graphs and other great comparison information at the Index.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Minneapolis in just 10 short days. Follow us on Twitter, and watch #RuffaloCON15 for live updates before and during the conference:
Closing in on the @RuffaloNLFM Annual Fundraising Conf (7/28-30). 25 sessions in 48 hrs! #RuffaloCON15 #fundraising
— Chris Hughes (@ChrisHughesRNL) July 2, 2015