Friday Update – Oh So Fine Design – 10-16-15
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
Inspired by the recreation of the U.S. $10 bill, Volkswagen’s imminent emissions redesign, and Elon Musk’s blueprint for an electric jet, designs change the way we value objects or organizations. Our articles this Friday are “designed” to make your fundraising graphics love at first sight!
Considering updating your organization’s branding? Big Duck NYC has got you so covered!  Check out parts ONE and TWO of their “DIY Design” blog posts that include amazing tips on creating a logo, color pallete, typography, and choosing associated photography. And don’t miss this free e-book on rebranding and its positive implications for fundraising. Enjoy!
Blog Design
Of course you vet through the content of your organization’s blog to ensure that the right message is conveyed, but have you recently considered how the site’s design impacts viewers’ perception? Nonprofit Tech for Good shares 10 wonderful examples that nonprofits should consider implementing to better format their blog pages.
Infographics are fantastic ways to communicate in an interesting, engaging, and beautiful way. Not only are infographics fun for readers to absorb, but they can also be quite enjoyable for the creator to craft! Don’t believe me? Jeff Bullas put together this list of 20 infographic-making resources that you will ensure that you put your infographics together with ease! (Keep reading for a pretty neat infographic on student crowdfunding projects).
Webinar: Engage Students With Crowdfunding
Engaging students for your crowdfunding, phonathon and donor outreach efforts has a positive impact far beyond the dollars and donors raised — it not only increases results but can even increase student retention and satisfaction.
To learn more about the benefits for engaging students in crowdfunding, please join us on Tuesday, October 20th, at 11 AM PT for a webinar, joined by representatives from UCLA, Northwestern University, and Boise State University. Registration is available now!