Friday Update: Money, Taxes and Pets, Oh My! 7-3-2015
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
This week, we share some U.S. nonprofit news, then some international wealth research and a blog about emotional impact and cultural differences in an Australian campaign.
News: IRS Announces Electronic Nonprofit Tax Form Delivery
The IRS told us this week that in response to requests by media and watchdog organizations, it is working on providing electronic delivery of nonprofit tax form filings to the public in the coming year. The full story is available in the Chronicle of Philanthropy article which outlines some of the concerns with private information contained in IRS form 990 and other forms.
World Wealth Report
Helen Brown has some important takeaways from the recently published World Wealth Report. The report is published by Campgemini and RBC Wealth Management. There are some great insights about high-net-worth individuals and global wealth growth.
Same and Different
101Fundraising features a great post from Jonathon Grapsas about a successful Australian campaign for the RSPCA and how it stacked up against his experience in the UK. Turns out emotional response may be very similar, but everything from geography to culture to how people get to work will make a difference in a campaign’s success. Knowing your audience is key.
See You in Minneapolis!
These new developments in policy and research will be part of the conversation in just few weeks at the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Annual Fundraising Conference. Register and book your hotel today, and follow #RuffaloCon15 for all the buzz.
14 sessions qualify for #CFRE continuing ed points at #RuffaloCON15: #nonprofit #fundraising #highered #philanthropy
— Ruffalo Noel Levitz (@RuffaloNLFM) June 26, 2015