Friday Update – Maximize Results – 8-14-15
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
Links included this week are aimed at maximizing your results by calculating participation, identifying additional prospects via popular social media platforms, and enhancing direct marketing appeals.
Numerator, Denominator, What?
In this great post, Dan Allenby at the Annual Giving Network explains the way the Council for Aid to Education (CAE) and US News & World Report calculate alumni participation. While every higher education institution can calculate alumni participation via the method of their choosing, the guidelines provided by CAE and US News & World Report are the most common, yet each a little different.
White Paper: Donor Identification in the 21st Century
Evertrue and The Helen Brown Group published this white paper on generating donors via your organization’s existing LinkedIn and Facebook pages. This research demonstrates that by targeting specific populations (people with certain careers or people who “like” your posts), your organization could have a better chance of securing support.
Market Your Way to Success
Summer Gould wrote this thought-provoking piece for Target Marketing. It talks about the importance of thoroughly knowing your organization’s direct marketing performance in order to strengthen future results and ROI. They suggest that performance can be maximized by tweaking the list of people contacted, the design of the piece, the incentives included, and by also having a control group against which performance can be compared.
Webinar: Your First Year of Crowdfunding
Nora Pittman Manager of New Donor Strategies University of Maryland |
The first year of a crowdfunding program comes with lots of questions – how do I select projects? Should I work with student volunteers? What’s the best way to introduce this new program to campus? A year and a half ago, the University of Maryland asked the same questions. Join ScaleFunder and Nora Pittman, the brain behind Launch UMD, for a focused discussion on your crowdfunding program’s first year and how to set the foundation for a robust pipeline of projects for years to come.
Register for this no-cost webinar on August 17.