Friday Update: Let’s Go Faster 6-26-2015
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
For many of us, this coming week is the end of the fiscal year. As you near the finish line and wait for those last gifts to come in, why not unwind with a little fundraising insight or rev up your engine with a cool crowdfunding campaign?
You’ve Only Got Part of the Story
Maeve at What Gives? Philanthropy talks about using data and questions to really find out what’s going on with a donor. Does going to bed with one shoe on lead to a headache? Find out in her recent blog post, that includes some great links and video.
Donor Fatigue
Marc Pitman at The Fundraising Coach talks about donor fatigue and says: “I don’t know any donors who are tired of giving to causes that they are passionate about.” He suggests looking at your latest fundraising letter critically to see how you are directly engaging with donors.
Twitter Humor: Fundraising Fossil
He’s been around the block, and he’s still spinning his wheels. Check out conventional wisdom from this fundraising expert:
We send our email list for scrubbing but don’t actually take the unsubscribes/spam complaints/bounces out. It would make our list too small.
— Fundraising Fossil (@fossilfundraisr) June 2, 2015
The nine-time world champion Cornell University racing team likes to drive fast. They also like to apply their engineering know-how to maximize that speed. The team reached out to donors this spring with one of the coolest videos we’ve seen on the ScaleFunder platform, and they exceeded their project goal. Check it out here: