Friday Update: Let’s Thank The Donors. 7-10-15
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
The gifts are in for those of us with a June fiscal year, and it’s time to think about how to thank your donors and keep them connected. Some great resources and an example of crowdfunding stewardship in this week’s Update.
Giving is its own reward? Sometimes you have to help.
Award-winning blogger, Claire Axelrad, at Clarification talks about completing the feedback loop with donors to ensure they keep coming back. Some great links and commentary that remind us what donors get from giving, and how we can help make sure they receive it. This is one reason why thank you calls are so powerful, and we strongly recommend you do them.
White Paper: Donor Data and Feedback
CDS Global has released a great paper on how collecting vital data on your donors, and utilizing it in feedback and service can help with donor loyalty and satisfaction. The paper includes some great case studies and a link to a webinar with giving professionals.
White Paper: Donor Relations is a Game-Changer
Higher Ed Impact at Academic Impressions has a Special Report: Why Donor Relations is the Next Game-Changer which includes information on recognition, using your President as a steward of gifts and more. The report includes some advice from Lynne Wester, donor relations guru, who will also be presenting at our upcoming conference. Check it out.
Creativity, humor, and music, this appeal has it all? What’s the best way to ask for help with a concert, sing it? And how do you thank the donors? Keep on singing. Check out this great crowdfunding project utilizing the ScaleFunder platform at UCLA’s Spark portal:
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Minneapolis in just 10 short days. Last minute registration is still available, and be sure to follow #RuffaloCON15 for live updates before and during the conference:
14 sessions qualify for #CFRE continuing ed points at #RuffaloCON15: #nonprofit #fundraising #highered #philanthropy
— Ruffalo Noel Levitz (@RuffaloNLFM) June 26, 2015