Friday Fundraising Update: Turn the donor roll upside down, cover it in Ivy – 6-5-15
The Friday Fundraising Update collects fundraising industry insights and success stories and delivers them to you each Friday from Ruffalo Noel Levitz.
Turn the Donor Roll Upside Down:
- Donor Relations Guru Lynne Wester describes the “reverse honor roll” of donors at Rutgers, where 100 people who benefited from the generosity of the university’s 130,000 campaign donors are profiled. What a great idea. Lynne’s blog is great and you can hear more from her at our summer fundraising conference.
Why do Harvard alumni give so much?
- Why do the most prestigious universities have such high donor loyalty? Inside Philanthropy chronicles gifts (and a bit of history) at Harvard to take a look. Spoiler: it begins with history and runs all the way through the admission, student and alumni experience.
Crowdfund Your Giving Day:
- Having a great online engine that harnesses the networks of your supporters for your giving challenge is important. Beloit College successfully used the ScaleFunder platform to do this last month, and they’re joining us for a no cost webinar on June 16 to talk about it. Cassie Hartje, Director of Development Communications at Beloit College will talk about the nuts and bolts of making a first-ever giving challenge a success. Register for the webinar here.