
Flight Attendant Fundraising

Ruffalo Noel LevitzMarch 5, 2015

flightattendantWe’re deep into the conference season, and it’s been great to see many of our partners at CASE and AFP gatherings across the world. Travel means planes, and we’ve been on quite a few of them over the past few months.

I’ve personally been through more pre-flight procedures and safety videos than this new mom cares to witness.  I started to wonder: what can we learn about fundraising from the flight experience?

“Let me demonstrate the seat belt.”

We pretty much all know how to buckle up on the plane. The demonstration is largely ignored—but don’t assume that this pattern applies to donors. Your donors may really benefit from good instructions and coaching. This might apply to everything from tax benefits, how to give online, or participating and sharing their excitement to friends about a crowdfunding campaign.   Institutions who have given donor updates during the “turbulence” of the IRA rollover legislation uncertainty over the past few years are also great examples.

“If you’re going to sit here, are you willing to help?”

exitrowExit row seating is a premium, but it comes with a few questions. Our leadership opportunities also come with prestige and require a commitment. Have you had a direct conversation with your volunteers and board members about what they are willing to do? Don’t assume they know your expectations and don’t assume they all agree on the responsibilities.

“…signaling a loss in cabin pressure”

In missing my new baby boy, I’ve noticed I’m starting to pick up parenting cues in some odd places.  For example, during a trip to the CASE VIII conference in Seattle, sitting through yet another tedious (albeit somewhat comical) Delta pre-flight video, I got to thinking about the part where adults are expected tosecure their air masks before helping children or those unable to help themselves.  What’s the corollary for fundraisers? Get yourself situated and in working order with your data, lists, plan and message before contacting your donors.  Set your office up for success by ensuring the air mask is on! You can’t serve donors if you are choking.

“We know you have a choice…”

This seems to be part of the pilot’s standard script as you’re touching down, and also words of wisdom for fundraisers. Donors do have a choice, whether it’s another cause, another institution, or the choice to give at all. We need to educate them about their impact, provide help, make them feel special, and meet their needs.

As the giving “flight attendants,” we need to provide donors with the best, most personalized experience while still being good stewards of the funds so they are willing to be repeat fliers with us.

I’ll see you on the flight deck.

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